Category Archives: Publications
Onlinespellicens på Malta
Seriösa spelföretag förstår vikten av en seriös licens. Att av spelare uppfattas som säker och trovärdig gör spelföretaget mer attraktivt för potentiella spelare. Detta i sin tur göra det enklare att förvärva spelare vilket leder till minskade kostnader. Som alla …
New Vat Rules on Bus Transport in Denmark
Companies that operate busses for tourist transport in Denmark you should be aware of the new rules coming into force as from next month. On 1 July 2014 parts of a new VAT Act will come into force in Denmark. …
The Micro Invest Scheme , recently launched by Malta Enterprise, is intended to encourage enterprises to invest in their own businesses towards: innovation, expansion, improvement and development. The incentive covers expenditure incurred between 2014 and 2020. The highlights of the …
Tax applicable to Part time Income – New provisions
1 What does the term ‘Part-Time Work’ mean? Part time work is specifically defined if the individual is not engaged therein for more than thirty hours in any one week. The individual deriving income from part-time work is resident in …
I-Gaming – Changes to the VAT rules as from 01.01.2015
With effect from 1 January 2015, every business , anywhere in the world, that sell e-services to final consumers within the European Union (EU) will experience a dramatic change in VAT compliance. This is the outcome of an amendment in …
Click to Read the English Version Правительство Мальты приняло закон, в соответствии с которым, лица, не граждане ЕС, и члены их семьи могут получить гражданство Мальты по упрощенной схеме. Данный закон был введен в действие Постановлением 47 от 2014 года, …
Passport Through Investment (IIP)
Passport Through Investment (IIP) Click to Read the Russian Version The Malta Citizenship by Investment Programme (IIP) is an EU approved programme whereby foreign investors in Malta who have shown more than the usual attachment to the island can be entitled …
Global Residence Programme Rules
The Global Residence Programme Rules (GRP Rules) came into force as from 1 July 2013 and are applicable to ‘third country nationals’ who are not citizens of the EU, EEA or Switzerland. The GRP Rules are intended to replace the …
Aviation in Malta
Although Malta is principally known as a maritime nation, big steps have been made in the last years to establish the island as a centre of aviation excellence. This is a sector which requires careful nurturing but which also has …
Investment Incentive Schemes – (Part 2)
Malta provides an extremely business-friendly environment and this is being backed up by a number of incentive schemes which are being offered by Malta Enterprise – the National development agency responsible for promoting and facilitating international investment in the Maltese …