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Malta’s ship registry has placed 17th in the Paris MOU’s white list, breaking into the top 20 for the first time. Read more
We had to say goodbye to George upon him reaching retirement age.
In a press conference held on 8th June 2020, the Prime Minister Dr. Robert Abela, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna and Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Mr. Silvio Schembri rolled out a recovery package aimed at regenerating …
The Government has nominated Dr Gordon Cordina to be appointed as Chairman of Bank of Valletta as current Chairman Taddeo Scerri will be resigning with effect from 15 May 2020. Click here to read further
The Commissioner for Revenue notifies that the deadline for the payment of the provisional tax for April 2020 is being extended to 31 May 2020. Click here to read further
The Commission adopted on 3 April 2020 Decision C(2020)2146 authorising Member States to grant relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak during 2020. The exemption is applicable …
During these challenging times, we felt the urge to do something positive. We are committed to aid you preserve the financial stability of your business and employees. Considering the current COVID-19 situation, we are offering free of charge guidance and …
This Explanatory Note is intended to substitute the Explanatory Note issued in May 2016, Guiding Principles for the Quantification of Administrative Fines, in order to reflect the regulatory developments that have taken place following the issuance of the latter. Click …
The Malta Gaming Authority issues statement regarding Brexit. Click this link to read further.
BOV of the future will be a smaller but more robust, lower risk and stable. Click on this link to read how BOV is returning to its roots.